Upgrade Your Life

Functional Medicine Based
Health Coaching for
Radical Renewal

Transformation, Simplified.

Identify the root cause of your metabolic and hormonal health issues

with an individualized holistic plan.

You Deserve to Feel Like Yourself Again

Menopause doesn’t have to leave you feeling unrecognizable. If you’re tired of quick fixes that don’t last and frustrated by changes like weight gain, irritability, and sleepless nights, I’ve got you. I’ve been there, and I’m here to help.

Forget one-size-fits-all solutions. My approach is different—rooted in functional medicine and personalized health coaching. Together, we’ll address the inflammation that’s aging you, and you’ll finally understand how hormones, or the lack of them, impact your body. This isn’t a program about weight loss, but by lowering inflammation, balancing your hormones, and making sustainable changes, you’ll likely see your body respond, naturally.

It’s Time to Halt “Inflammaging”

Loose skin, stubborn weight gain, mood swings, brain fog, these are all signs of underlying inflammation, and I can help you address the root cause.

You’ll regain control, feel vibrant again, and understand your hormones in a way that empowers you to make informed choices, including exploring HRT options that fit your body’s needs.




A Truly Bespoke Experience
With three years of specialized training in applied functional medicine and a national board certification in health coaching, I take a whole-person approach to menopause. I won’t just set out a roadmap for optimal health in midlife, and lead you to your own devices. I’ll guide you on your journey and help you to understand your own patterns and behaviors that may have derailed you in the past, so you can create lasting changes that fit your life.

If you’re ready for a plan that works for you—because it’s designed for you—let’s start with a Clarity Call. If we’re a match, we can move on to a deeper dive with my Pathway to Renewal Insight Session, where we’ll map out your path to real, lasting health.

You deserve optimal metabolic and hormonal health –

and a completely individualized approach to achieving it.

With a functional medicine based approach to menopause you can:

Menopause brings unique challenges, but with the right approach, you can feel great in your body again. My functional medicine-based approach is completely individualized, focusing on addressing the root causes behind your symptoms—because you deserve more than quick fixes.

When we optimize your hormonal and metabolic health, you can expect to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your hormones and how they affect your body
  • Improve sleep quality and wake up feeling rested
  • Feel empowered in your body and regain your sense of vitality
  • Find relief from hot flashes, night sweats, and irritability
  • Support your thyroid and improve metabolism
  • Improve your blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Improve gut health, resolving digestive issues like constipation and bloating
  • Improve focus and mental clarity—say goodbye to brain fog

      Make sustainable changes that will last
      No more one-size-fits-all solutions. Together, we’ll create a plan that’s tailored just for you, giving you the tools to thrive long-term.

      Ready to start your journey to feeling like yourself again? Schedule your free 20-minute Clarity Call, and let’s talk about what your next steps to full-body transformation look like.


    I know exactly how you feel.

    Hi, I’m Julie Graham. At 53, I was 45+ pounds overweight, and pre-diabetic with severe inflammation.

    I thought it was impossible to improve my health. Because I thought I had already tried everything. (And by everything, I just mean I tried to diet over and over again.)

    My pre-diabetes was a true health concern and I needed to solve it. In my research, I found out that 88% of the US population has at least one marker of Metabolic Syndrome, and I was one of those millions of people.

    I also began to feel tired and depressed, my skin looked blotchy and life began to just feel blah.

    Let’s be clear, I had never even heard the term Metabolic Syndrome before. And let’s be doubly clear. I had no idea how the hormones in my body served my health (or didn’t, if they weren’t operating properly).

    On top of all that, we live in a society that puts too much emphasis on being skinny. Did you know that calculating your BMI isn’t even considered accurate anymore in terms of body health?

    In my practice I want to be clear that I focus on optimal health for my clients. I do not focus on weight loss, though that is often one of the “frosting on the cake” outcomes of working together.

    I want my clients to have excellent overall health, and sometimes that does not mean becoming a size 4 and the ability to wear Lulu Lemon Yoga pants. But it does mean improved gut, brain, heart and hormonal health.   



    I resolved my inflammation, was no longer pre-diabetic, and gained a new life. I’ve been able to maintain these results for years – and you can too. I have never felt better!


    In 2017, began the journey of learning how to teach others what I knew. I’m now a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Certified PHCI Master Coach, a Certified Sleep Performance Coach, and a certified Yoga Body Breath Coach. I will complete my three year functional medicine schooling in June of 2024, receiving the highly regarded Applied Functional Medicine Certification (AFMC).

    My education adds up to immense knowledge on how to help my clients find their optimal health in a bio-individual modality.

    What might this look like? Book a free discovery call and let’s talk! We will determine together what your next best steps are.



    Julie Graham smiling near the ocean

    – Testimonials

    What They’re saying

    With Julie I found a lot of new information

    "With Julie I found a lot of new information, I lost the weight I wanted and experimented with different ways of eating, window time of eating, exercise and even meditation to find out what works best for me. I really recommend working with her...

    I’m so very thankful for my health journey with Julie

    I have been frustrated with my weight for years. I’ve gained and lost the same 20 pounds or so over the past 30 years and the pounds always return with ‘friends.’ Julie started teaching me that most everything I thought I knew about nutrition was...

    Julie is very knowledgeable

    I lost 15 lb but most importantly I found out what works for me. Having a coach helped weed out all the information out there about different diets. Julie is very knowledgeable. I loved when Julie had me set...

    Julie is a thoughtful coach with a great deal of insight into nutrition

    Julie is a thoughtful coach with a great deal of insight into nutrition. She looks for new approaches that will work for you. I am more cognizant now of the food to body connection. I prefer cooking at home, knowing how much healthier my food is...

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